What we do

Commercial Realty Services

Working with us gives you instant access to a deep understanding of the markets most relevant to you. We uncover creative solutions from an honest account of where you are now, where you’d like to be, and how you’d like to get there. We give you personalized options to build your future, on your terms.

We seek to understand everything about our client’s current situation.

With that information, we can accurately advise them of all options available to them and recommend the option we feel is best. We are indifferent to the outcome and stand by our clients regardless of their choice. Change is the only constant. When things do change internal or external to the client’s situation and revisiting the options available to them when warranted, we are more than glad to help.

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Our goal is helping you understand where you are now, where you want to be in the future, and how we can help you accomplish your project.

Anyone can sell real estate, but not everyone can properly advise.

Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. We build relationships on trust by understanding our clients’ wants and needs. Everyone has a project in life. Once we understand our client’s project, we perform a strategic analysis of their situation.

The strategic analysis considers your current situation, the factors affecting their situation, their project (i.e. their future position), the choices available to you at that time, and the implications of those choices. We make a recommendation based on the available options.

Our Offerings


Our advice is the lifeblood of our reputation. Our priority is to make sure you feel you know all of the options available to you, so you can act when you’re ready. In addition, we provide you with deep insights whenever there’s a critical market change, so you never miss out on new opportunities.

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If life changes in a way where a transaction is warranted, we’ll be ready to jump right in. We base our brokerage services on our intimate knowledge and detailed understanding of you and your assets.

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Due to our mastery of real estate, investments, capital markets, and construction, we are available to consult on a range of issues in addition to what we display on our website. For example, in 2019, Sparacino Realty Advisors was retained to conduct an asset management report on a 100+ apartment building in the East Bay valued at approximately $35M. Our process remains the same for consulting: we get to know your wants and needs in the most remarkable detail possible to produce a clean, comprehensive report analyzing your case. Then, we offer our recommendation for the best course of action and stand by you regardless of what you choose to do. And you can come back to us whenever you need nimble, in-depth advice.

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Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Confucius.